Monday, May 20, 2013

Monster tornado rips apart Oklahoma; at least 91 dead

WASHINGTON: The death toll from a massive tornado that swept through a
US suburb of Oklahoma City has risen to 91, including at least 20
children, an official told CNN early Tuesday.
Amy Elliott, of the state medical examiner's office, said in a
televised interview that 40 more bodies had been recovered since an
earlier toll of 51, after the massive twister flattened several
suburban blocks and two schools.
Stunned weather forecasters reported a two-mile (three-kilometer) wide
swath of vicious winds and television news helicopters tracked a dark
funnel plowing through densely-packed suburbs.
"We've had a massive tornado, a huge one that has passed through this
community," Oklahoma's Governor Mary Fallin told a news conference.
"We know there are a lot of injuries. We know we've lost a tremendous
amount of structures throughout this community and throughout the
state," she said, as the Moore police chief urged people to leave the
"There are a lot of safety issues, gas lines, power lines, things of
that nature, that we have to take into consideration and there's just
not much else that can be done there at this time," police chief Jerry
Sillings said.
Reporters for local broadcaster KFOR-TV saw children as young as nine
beingpulled out of the Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, a
residential community of 55,000 just south of Oklahoma's state
Anxious parents were being kept at a distance while search-and-rescue
workers scrambled to free the students.
A second elementary school, Briarwood, was also hit but did not appear
to have sustained casualties.
From its news helicopter, KFOR's cameras captured scenes of widespread
destruction, with street after street of single-story homes in Moore
stripped of their roofs and cars piled atop each other like toys.
Utility lines were down and gas lines exposed, triggering localized
fires. The Moore Medical Center was evacuated after it sustained
damage, and state authorities called out the National Guard to help
rescue efforts.
US President Barack Obama meanwhile declared a "major disaster" in
Oklahoma and ordered federal aid to supplement local recovery efforts.
On Twitter, the National Weather Service gave the tornado a
preliminary rating of EF-4, indicating that it packed winds of 166 to
200 miles per hour (267-322 km/h) — more severe than a category five
In downtown Oklahoma City, tornado sirens went off at least three
times and the Interstate 35 highway — a busy north-south artery
through the American heartland — was closed to all but emergency
In Moore, live images from KFOR showed people wandering among the
debris and even a couple of untethered horses from a local stable that
somehow managed to survive the punishing storm.
"I had no idea it was coming," said a stable worker, who told how he
survived the "unbearably loud" twister by taking cover in one of the
Monday's tornado followed roughly the same track as a May 1999 twister
that killed 44 people, injured hundreds more and destroyed thousands
of homes.
Tornadoes frequently touch down on Oklahoma's wide open plains, but
Monday's twister struck a populated urban area and raised fears of a
high casualty toll.
Because of the hard ground, few homes are built with basements or
storm shelters in which residents can take cover.
Oklahoma City lies inside the so-called " Tornado Alley " stretching
from South Dakota to central Texas, an area particularly vulnerable to
On Sunday, a powerful storm system churning through the US Midwest
spawned tornadoes in Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma, destroying homes and
killing at least two people, US media reported.
Fallin had already declared a state of emergency for 16 Oklahoma
counties due to the tornado threat on Sunday, and added five more on
Monday after the storms hit her capital.
In Washington, a White House official said Obama was getting regular
updates and that the Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA )
stood ready to provide assistance.
"The administration continues to urge all those in affected or
potentially affected areas to follow the direction of state and local
officials as this severeweather continues," the official added.

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